What we are Learning
We provide a rich and stimulating curriculum through a creative and flexible approach. We ensure that we provide learning opportunities that allow the children to gain essential life experiences and move their learning forward. We listen to what the children already know and want to find out more about and include that into our lesson planning. In many subject areas we follow a spiral curriculum, in which certain topics are revisited several times during a child’s school career, in increasing depth.
The creative curriculum is a carefully planned, thematic approach to teaching and learning designed to support children’s natural curiosity and stimulate their creativity. It offers children the opportunity to work in depth, giving them the time they need to reflect, consolidate and transfer their learning. Direct experience is placed at the centre of the curriculum so that teachers draw out and develop children’s thinking and capacities in meaningful contexts. Knowledge, skills and understanding are expressed in a range of different media and ways, often making effective use of the creative arts. Children, adults and parents work with each other, drawing resources from the school, locality and wider community to create a challenging, distinctive and exciting curriculum. All children have an entitlement to a well-resourced and rich learning environment that promotes their sense of responsibility and autonomy.
We find that with this approach pupils are extremely motivated and interested in their learning, and remember what they have learnt.
Curriculum Updates
Each term for each year groups there is a termly curriculum newsletter update sent out to all parents and carers. The school welcomes enquiries from parents on any aspect of the curriculum - please talk to your child's class teacher or Mr Jackson (see Staff page)
Edward Feild uses the "Letters and Sounds" scheme, for teaching phonics.
Health Education
Health Education is included as an integral part of PSHE, and is reinforced by regular visits from the school nurse and by checks of eyesight, hearing and dental health.
Physical Education
At Edward Feild School we believe that for all children to enjoy, achieve and succeed in Physical Education, they will need to work together to progress and develop the skills required to lead a healthy active lifestyle. We also believe that physical education and sport are important in giving children the knowledge, understanding and the tools to make a positive impact on their own health and well-being.
We are active and enthusiastic members of the North Oxfordshire Schools Sports Partnership. 90% of our Sports Premium Funding employs a specialist teacher to develop the teachers' skills in teaching PE. The other 10% goes to employing qualified sports coaches and support staff to run Change4Life clubs, after school sports clubs, frequent participation in Kidlington Partnership sports events, Cherwell District and Oxfordshire sports events and a contribution to the running costs of our minibus. Through these activities the children have earned the Silver School Games Award and the Gold Youth Sport Trust Award.
Reports of our sporting achievements are included in our Friday Newsletters and on the NOSSP website.
Visit the NOSSP website.
The creative curriculum is a carefully planned, thematic approach to teaching and learning designed to support children’s natural curiosity and stimulate their creativity. It offers children the opportunity to work in depth, giving them the time they need to reflect, consolidate and transfer their learning. Direct experience is placed at the centre of the curriculum so that teachers draw out and develop children’s thinking and capacities in meaningful contexts. Knowledge, skills and understanding are expressed in a range of different media and ways, often making effective use of the creative arts. Children, adults and parents work with each other, drawing resources from the school, locality and wider community to create a challenging, distinctive and exciting curriculum. All children have an entitlement to a well-resourced and rich learning environment that promotes their sense of responsibility and autonomy.
We find that with this approach pupils are extremely motivated and interested in their learning, and remember what they have learnt.
Curriculum Updates
Each term for each year groups there is a termly curriculum newsletter update sent out to all parents and carers. The school welcomes enquiries from parents on any aspect of the curriculum - please talk to your child's class teacher or Mr Jackson (see Staff page)
Edward Feild uses the "Letters and Sounds" scheme, for teaching phonics.
Health Education
Health Education is included as an integral part of PSHE, and is reinforced by regular visits from the school nurse and by checks of eyesight, hearing and dental health.
Physical Education
At Edward Feild School we believe that for all children to enjoy, achieve and succeed in Physical Education, they will need to work together to progress and develop the skills required to lead a healthy active lifestyle. We also believe that physical education and sport are important in giving children the knowledge, understanding and the tools to make a positive impact on their own health and well-being.
We are active and enthusiastic members of the North Oxfordshire Schools Sports Partnership. 90% of our Sports Premium Funding employs a specialist teacher to develop the teachers' skills in teaching PE. The other 10% goes to employing qualified sports coaches and support staff to run Change4Life clubs, after school sports clubs, frequent participation in Kidlington Partnership sports events, Cherwell District and Oxfordshire sports events and a contribution to the running costs of our minibus. Through these activities the children have earned the Silver School Games Award and the Gold Youth Sport Trust Award.
Reports of our sporting achievements are included in our Friday Newsletters and on the NOSSP website.
Visit the NOSSP website.
Behaviour Policy, Consequences & Rewards
All teaching staff adhere to the school behaviour policy that provides clear rules, rewards those who follow the rules and details the procedures to be followed when children fail to observe them. We encourage children to behave appropriately with praise for good behaviour and with opportunities to show and celebrate good work. We reward those who work well, and those who behave well.
All staff and pupils are involved in writing and agreeing the School and Classroom Rules. We involve parents in supporting the development of a whole school approach to behaviour through the Home School Agreement.
We aim to establish a secure and happy foundation that will enable children to face the future with confidence and enthusiasm, secure in the knowledge of their abilities. We achieved the National Healthy Schools Award, recognising our excellent work supporting children to lead safe and healthy lives.
Through discussion, circle-time and assemblies, children are encouraged to develop friendships and a sense of belonging to the school community. We help children develop their self-discipline, to be responsible for their own actions and to consider the consequences of their actions on others around them and on the environment.
The behaviour policy is available from the Statutory Info and Policies page.
Communications between school and Parents / Carers
The school communicates to audiences via the following communication channels:
All teaching staff adhere to the school behaviour policy that provides clear rules, rewards those who follow the rules and details the procedures to be followed when children fail to observe them. We encourage children to behave appropriately with praise for good behaviour and with opportunities to show and celebrate good work. We reward those who work well, and those who behave well.
All staff and pupils are involved in writing and agreeing the School and Classroom Rules. We involve parents in supporting the development of a whole school approach to behaviour through the Home School Agreement.
We aim to establish a secure and happy foundation that will enable children to face the future with confidence and enthusiasm, secure in the knowledge of their abilities. We achieved the National Healthy Schools Award, recognising our excellent work supporting children to lead safe and healthy lives.
Through discussion, circle-time and assemblies, children are encouraged to develop friendships and a sense of belonging to the school community. We help children develop their self-discipline, to be responsible for their own actions and to consider the consequences of their actions on others around them and on the environment.
The behaviour policy is available from the Statutory Info and Policies page.
Communications between school and Parents / Carers
The school communicates to audiences via the following communication channels:
- Email & Text Messaging (SMS) (Parent Mail facility for parents to subscribe to)
- Paper newsletters (for unsubscribed parents of to Parent Mail).
- School Website including twitter feed & events calendar
- Parent/Teacher Meetings
- Governor Parent Information Evenings
- Noticeboards
- Letters out to parents
- Governors email address for contact and generals