School Awards
Sainsbury's School Games Kitemark Platinum Award
The School Games Award rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We are very proud of our Platinum Award which is given to schools which have been awarded Gold for 5 years in a row.
Eco Schools - helping to improve our community
In 2014 we joined the Low Carbon Hub project for Oxfordshire schools and installed photovoltaic panels which generate 16kWp, in addition to the 4kWp panels we already owned. The Low Carbon Hub raises loans from community investors to fund carbon-reducing projects, the school benefits from reduced electricity charges, and any money remaining after repaying the loans is ploughed into further community energy-saving projects. For more information, visit the website. Installation of LED lighting units, under a loan scheme, has massively reduced our electricity bill! We recycle a large proportion of our waste in liaison with Cherwell District Council.
The School Games Award rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We are very proud of our Platinum Award which is given to schools which have been awarded Gold for 5 years in a row.
Eco Schools - helping to improve our community
In 2014 we joined the Low Carbon Hub project for Oxfordshire schools and installed photovoltaic panels which generate 16kWp, in addition to the 4kWp panels we already owned. The Low Carbon Hub raises loans from community investors to fund carbon-reducing projects, the school benefits from reduced electricity charges, and any money remaining after repaying the loans is ploughed into further community energy-saving projects. For more information, visit the website. Installation of LED lighting units, under a loan scheme, has massively reduced our electricity bill! We recycle a large proportion of our waste in liaison with Cherwell District Council.