Pastoral & family support
We ensure a safe and healthy environment in which children can thrive. Our children enjoy school and we value their positive contributions. We develop the social and emotional resilience and moral integrity needed to ensure their future economic wellbeing.
Our Pastoral Support Worker is Mrs Sue Doyle.
At Edward Feild we believe that every child is entitled to equal opportunity of access to all areas of the curriculum. All children have individual needs and teachers plan carefully to ensure that each child is working at a level suitable to his/her needs.
All teachers are caring towards the children they teach and carry prime responsibility for the pastoral care of children in their class. The Headteacher has overall responsibility for pastoral care across the whole school, including lunchtime supervision, and the SEND Co-ordinator oversees special needs identification and provision. There are regular reviews to ensure that the needs of the children are being met as well as possible with the resources available.
Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties will be assessed by the class teacher with the help of the Special Needs Co-ordinator and referred to outside agencies as appropriate. An Individual Education Plan will be drawn up. Planning will be undertaken by the class teacher.
Children with medical needs will have their needs considered by the class teacher with the Special Needs Co-ordinator and any appropriate outside agencies.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Children with English as an Additional Language are assessed by the class teacher, who liaises with the teacher who co-ordinates support for English as an additional language to provide an Individual Education Plan if required.
Our Pastoral Support Worker is Mrs Sue Doyle.
At Edward Feild we believe that every child is entitled to equal opportunity of access to all areas of the curriculum. All children have individual needs and teachers plan carefully to ensure that each child is working at a level suitable to his/her needs.
All teachers are caring towards the children they teach and carry prime responsibility for the pastoral care of children in their class. The Headteacher has overall responsibility for pastoral care across the whole school, including lunchtime supervision, and the SEND Co-ordinator oversees special needs identification and provision. There are regular reviews to ensure that the needs of the children are being met as well as possible with the resources available.
Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties will be assessed by the class teacher with the help of the Special Needs Co-ordinator and referred to outside agencies as appropriate. An Individual Education Plan will be drawn up. Planning will be undertaken by the class teacher.
Children with medical needs will have their needs considered by the class teacher with the Special Needs Co-ordinator and any appropriate outside agencies.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Children with English as an Additional Language are assessed by the class teacher, who liaises with the teacher who co-ordinates support for English as an additional language to provide an Individual Education Plan if required.