Edward Feild Primary School Governing Body
Our governors are all volunteers and represent parents, staff and the local community. There are different types of governor - some are elected and some are appointed. Parent governors are elected and parents will be informed when any vacancies arise. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a governor yourself, then please visit the school office or email [email protected]
Samuel Hubbard Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor Curriculum & Standards, Resources, Pay*, HT Review*, Filtering [email protected] |
How to contact the Governors:
The governors welcome feedback and questions from parents. You can email [email protected] or leave a message at the school office with contact details, or catch a governor in person. Alternatively if you wish to remain anonymous then send a sealed message addressed to the Governors c/o the School Office.
The governors welcome feedback and questions from parents. You can email [email protected] or leave a message at the school office with contact details, or catch a governor in person. Alternatively if you wish to remain anonymous then send a sealed message addressed to the Governors c/o the School Office.
For the full list of governors, terms of office and declared business interests please go to More information