Lower Key Stage 2 - Koalas, Kangaroos and Possums
Welcome to the Lower Key Stage 2 online classroom!
In the event of an individual child or part of a class having to stay at home to learn, we have shared a range of activities for your children:
If a whole class has to learn at home the class teacher will provide daily mathematics and English lessons on Google Classroom, and will also host a Google Meet for the class daily. We would also recommend the lessons, games and activities available through BBC Bitesize and the lessons available through the Oak Academy website and the other links on this page. Details about this term's topic and what we are learning in other subjects, with useful links, can be found in the curriculum newsletter. If you have any questions about any of the work , please email your child’s class teacher. |
Links and ResourcesYour children have access to a range of online games and resources. If your child does not have their password please contact your child’s class teacher.
BBC Bitesize has a range of games and activities for every subject. TT Rockstars helps children to master times table and division fact instant recall. Numbots is aimed at boosting addition and subtraction skills. Oxford Owl Reading has a library of books that your child can read at home. Spelling Shed makes spelling practice fun through lots of games. Oak Academy provides resources and activities for every subject. Purple Mash helps develop computing and digital skills through activities across a range of subjects. |