Key Stage One - Caribou, Huskies and Penguins
Welcome to the Key Stage One online classroom!
On this page you will find a range of resources that will help to keep your children learning until they can return to school. If you have any questions about any of the work on this page, please email your child’s class teacher. We would also love for you to email us your child's work. If you need any of your child's log ins for Spelling Shed, Numbots, TT Rockstars, Purple Mash etc then please email your child's teacher and we will be happy to send their log in across. Google Meet Times - Week Beginning 1.3.21 Penguins - Whole class Meet - 9:45am every day. Book Week Author Meet - Monday 1st at 2pm ON ZOOM (see link below and on Parentmail) Year 1 Phonics Session - Tuesday 2nd at 1:00pm Year 2 Phonics Session - Tuesday 2nd at 1:30pm Huskies - Whole class Meet - 9:45am every day. Book Week Author Meet - Monday 1st at 2pm ON ZOOM (see link below and on Parentmail) Year 1 Phonics Session - Wednesday 3rd at 1:00pm Year 2 Phonics Session - Wednesday 3rd at 1:30pm Caribou - Whole class Meet - 9:45am every day. Book Week Author Meet - Monday 1st at 2pm ON ZOOM (see link below and on Parentmail) Year 1 Phonics Session - Wednesday 3rd at 2:30pm Year 2 Phonics Session - Thursday 4th at 2:00pm Please note all Key Stage 1 children are welcome to also join the online PE lesson on Monday 1st at 1pm (see Zoom ID number and password on the poster to the right), as well as Friday's celebration assembly. Our exciting Zoom with Claire Freedman, author of Aliens Love Underpants, is on Monday 1st March at 2pm. Don't forget that this is on Zoom, NOT Google Classroom. The link and details to access this are below. Meeting ID: 409 068 5418 Passcode: 0Dp0Hx Please find below a suggested timetable for approximately how long your child should be spending on each activity during the day in order to complete it to a high standard. This does not include use of Spelling Shed, Numbots/TT Rockstars and daily counting which we would also encourage.
English Lessons - Week Beginning 1.3.21This week, we are celebrating World Book Day by focusing all week on reading for pleasure. In your Google Meets this week, you and your teachers will be sharing your favourite books. We also can't wait to meet Claire Freedman, the author of Aliens Love Underpants, on Zoom on Monday at 2pm!
You can also watch videos of lots of different members of staff from Edward Feild reading their favourite stories here. (You need to be logged in to Google Classroom for this). Our English and Wider Curriculum lessons this week are focused around a different story each day that your teachers love to read! Each day, you will watch the teacher reading their story and complete some activities based on the book! Monday 1st: Today, we are celebrating one of Miss Mallon's favourite stories! Watch the video of Miss Mallon reading Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers below. After listening to the story, you will be making your own 'Missing' poster. Think about how you can write sentences including adjectives on your poster to describe the penguin and help him to be found! You can use the template in the file below or you could create your own.
Don't forget there is also a Lost and Found themed Wider Curriculum lesson at the bottom of the page.
Tuesday 2nd: Today, we are celebrating one of Miss Blake's favourite stories! Watch the video of Miss Blake reading The Tiger who Came to Tea, then watch her lesson video underneath so you know what your activity is for today!
Wednesday 3rd: Today, we are celebrating one of Miss Davies' favourite stories! Watch the video below of her reading Winnie the Witch, then watch her lesson video. You could also use the potion templates below for your task.
Thursday 4th: Today, we are celebrating one of Mrs Blackmore's favourite stories! Watch the video below of her reading Where the Wild Things Are, then watch her lesson video.
Friday 5th: Today, we are celebrating one of Mrs Fleet's favourite stories! Watch the video below of her reading The Enormous Crocodile, then watch her lesson video (listen to the first two instructions then have a go at the task. If you need some extra support, listen to the rest of the instructions).
Maths Lessons - Week Beginning 1.3.21 Year 1
Monday 1st: This week, you will be measuring length and height. First, watch and join in with the revision video of Miss Mallon below. Then watch the compare lengths activity video here and complete the activity in the video on paper or a whiteboard. There is also an additional challenge for today below to complete.
Tuesday 2nd - Friday 5th: This week, we are measuring length and height. Watch this week's videos here. Please find all of the worksheets and additional challenge tasks below. For Tuesday and Thursday where there is no worksheet, this means the activity is in the video and can be done on paper or a whiteboard.
Year 2
Monday 1st: This week, you will be continuing to learn about shape. First, watch and join in with the revision video of Miss Mallon below. Then watch the lines of symmetry video here and complete the worksheet in the file below. There is also an additional challenge task below for today.
Tuesday 2nd - Friday 5th: This week, we are continuing to learn about shape. Watch this week's videos here. Please find all of the worksheets and additional challenge tasks below.
Additional Maths Challenges
For those that may be finding they would like some extra challenge in Maths, please see the links below which provide some challenging Greater Depth and problem solving activities. NRICH KS1 Problem Solving NCETM Mastery and Mastery with Greater Depth Problems
Maths on the Boil
Over the next two weeks until we return to school, we would like Year 1 and Year 2 children to spend time consolidating previous Maths on the Boil objectives and practising their key fact recall, before we move on to introducing the Spring 2 objective (fractions). You may like to spend time completing the worksheets and games below from last term to consolidate doubling, halving and division. Practising number bonds, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and multiplication facts is also a great use of this time and can be done on paper or on games such as Hit the Button.
Phonics Lessons - Week Beginning 1.3.21Year 1
The website ‘Phonics play’ is free for you to use during the lockdown. Log in: jan21 Password: home
We will attach a document that has sheets for the week. You can choose to print them all off and do one each day or you may decide to use them on the screen. Please use them in whatever way helps your child. This week's spellings are: give leave cheese noise purse house phone dolphin were where You may also like to re-watch the video of Miss Davies below to recap the sounds from last week! Monday 1st: Today, we are learning to read and spell words where ‘ve’ make a /v/ sound.
Watch the lesson here: Lesson 16 - ve give Then complete the worksheet in the file below. Tuesday 2nd: Today, we are learning to read and spell words where ‘se’ make a /z/ sound. Watch the lesson here: Lesson 17 - se cheese Then complete the worksheet in the file below. Wednesday 3rd: Today, we are learning to read and spell words where ‘se’ make a /s/ sound. Watch the lesson here: Lesson 18 - se horse Then complete the worksheet in the file below. Thursday 4th: Today, we are learning to read and spell words with the /ph/ sound. Watch the lesson here:Lesson 19 - ph phone Then complete the worksheet in the file below. Friday 5th: Today, we are recapping our learning from this week. Watch the lesson here: Lesson 20 - Review the week You could play some games on phonics play (any phase 5 game). Or you could put all of this weeks spelling words into sentences. Don’t forget full stops and capital letters. Try to do your neatest handwriting with all of the letters the correct size.
Year 2
Monday 1st: This week, Year 2 are looking at adding the -ed and -er suffixes to words ending in e. Watch the video of Miss Mallon for each day, then complete the worksheet in the file below the video for each day.
Tuesday 2nd:
Wednesday 3rd:
Thursday 4th:
Friday 5th:
Don't forget to continue to practise your spellings on Spelling Shed every week, as well as reading and spelling the common exception words below. Remember, in our Google Meets we will do a spelling quiz each week to test you on the sounds or spelling patterns you learnt in Phonics the week before!
Online PE Lesson Next Week - Monday 1st March (please note the time has changed to 1pm for KS1)
Paul Wood is the chief instructor for Oxford Sport & Traditional Martial Arts, Oxfordshire’s largest martial arts club. On Monday 1st March he will be providing all the children with another super fun PE lesson via zoom link that you can join in with just by logging on - the session for KS1 children is at 1pm. The ID number and password to access the sessions are shown on the poster above. The sessions will include skills based on focus, concentration, stranger awareness and self defence, all in an energetic and fun format. Oxford Sport & Traditional Martial Arts have, for the health and mental well being of the children, continued to provide fun learning and fitness throughout this pandemic to each and everyone of our members.
We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you join us on March 1st. PE Challenges with Mr Nutt!
🏅🏆 Family PE Challenge! 🏆🏅 Mr Nutt has set a very special lockdown PE challenge for you and your family! Watch the videos to find out what you need to do. When you have completed the challenge, please complete the questionnaire here to let him know how you got on. Have fun! Links and ResourcesYour children have access to a range of online games and resources. If your child does not have their password please contact your child’s class teacher.
Oxford Owl Reading is a library of books that you can share with your child each day. Your child should be reading for at least 10 minutes each day. If your child is in Year 1, they should be reading books from Phase 5, Set 15. If your child is in Year 2, they should be reading their colour book band. If you are not sure of your child's colour book band, please email your child's class teacher. TT Rockstars helps children to master times table and division fact instant recall. Numbots is aimed at boosting addition and subtraction skills. Spelling Shed makes spelling practice fun through lots of games. Oak Academy provides resources and activities for every subject. Purple Mash helps develop computing and digital skills through activities across a range of subjects. |
Wider Curriculum Activities - Week Beginning 1.3.21
Happy Reading for Pleasure week! In the document below, you will find a Wider Curriculum lesson for every day of the week. They are linked to the books focused on in English. We would love to see your work!
Wider Curriculum - Book Week | |
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